knowledge anti-fascist and anti-racists - suggested readings from DonDurito Library Kit
Saverio Ferrari, Le nuove camicie brune, Bfs edizioni, 2009.
Ferrari in questo suo ultimo libro analizza l'evoluzione del neofascismo in Italia negli ultimi anni e la sua tendenza a rifarsi sempre più marcatamente non solo al fascismo e al ventennio, ma direttamente al nazismo. Un fenomeno recente e preoccupante di cui l'autore esamina i riferimenti politici e culturali, simbologie e miti.
Guido Caldiron, La destra sociale. Da Salò a Tremonti, Manifestolibri 200
Caldiron ricerca in questo libro le radici del liberismo populista italiano e, ripercorrendo il passato a noi più vicino, il perchè del favore popolare e operaio alla destra. Esemplare in questo senso il nord Italia, dove ha vinto e convinto la politica xenofoba e razzista della Lega.
Clara Gallini, Il ritorno delle croci, Manifestolibri 2009
Al centro di polemiche and legal proceedings, cycle back to the question of the crosses in schools and public offices. Removed after the unification of Italy and remittances from fascism, the book analyzes the phenomenon of the hen and the manipulation of religious symbols by the policy even in the modern multicultural society.
Fasanella-Grippo, The Black horde, Rizzoli 2009
From the suburbs to the web, from stadiums to social centers, the "right of the right" is expanding and never cut ties with Nazi fascism. In fact, undermines the historical milestones of the left, reiterates its instances of identity and feeds on racism. The book reconstructs the myths, history and behavior of a movement that promotes hatred and violence, assaults and murders.
Adalberto Lord - Alex Trocino, Race Valley, Rizzoli 2009
Bossi's party, initially considered a folk phenomenon passenger and is now the oldest Italian party, won the factories, cities and the red Emilia. Shall not be deemed neither to right nor left, is anchored to the territory and made rounds, racism and populism. Among diplomatic incidents, power plays and contradictions marked Italian politics for the last twenty years.
Boatti, Piazza Fontana. December 12, 1962: The day of lost innocence, Einaudi 2009
Boatti tells the story and the investigation of the massacre of Piazza Fontana, and reconstructs the meaning and consequences of the episode as the beginning of the strategy of tension and the end of the dream sessantottino
Francis beryllium-Fenoglio Matteo, Piazza Fontana, 2009 Beccogiallo
A comic book, the story of the massacre that began the strategy of tension and the darkest years the history of the republic.
Rizzo - Bonaccorso, Peppino Impastato, 2009 Beccogiallo
unpublished testimonies from friends and his brother John, two young Sicilian authors reconstruct the shape of Peppino Impastato, a symbol della lotta contro la mafia e di coraggioso impegno civile.
Aldo Giannuli, Bombe a Inchiostro, Rizzoli
Durante gli anni di piombo, di fronte alle azioni di depistaggio dei servizi segreti "deviati", nascono gruppi di controinformazione impegnati a costruire, svelare e diffondere le notizie attraverso strumenti nuovi e alternativi: non più solo i giornali, ma anche il cinema, la radio, il teatro, i fumetti, la canzone, la satira. Per la prima volta, una generazione attenta e politicizzata tenta di smascherare le menzogne del potere
Aldo Giannuli, L'abuso pubblico della storia. How and why political power falsify the past, Bloomsbury Publishing 2009
Aldo Giannuli analyzing historical revisionism in its various forms, beginning with the theme of the Holocaust and the related phenomenon of "tribunalizzazione of history," and devoting particular attention to '"unusual case Italian." Starting with the premise that history is its public use, and matches perfectly with it, the book focuses in particular on the 'abuse' of recent history in the media, with an eye to the spectacular.
Other useful links
Berizzi, Black bars, Bompiani, 2009
Le Bras, the demon of origins. demography and the extreme right, Feltrinelli
Lazarus Nazirock, Feltrinelli 2008
green shirts Lazarus, Feltrinelli
Jori, From the League to the league, Marsilio, 2009
Fasanella, Terror in the northeast, Rizzoli 2008
Franzinelli, The thin black line, Rizzoli 2008
Lucarelli, Piazza Fontana, Einaudi 2007
Caldiron, Populism overall. Culture of right beyond the nation-state, manifestolibri
Caldiron 2008, Global Populism. New Right, Fundamentalism and War, 2006 manifestolibri
Caldiron, Lexicon postfascista.Parole and right wing politics to power, manifestolibri
Naletto 2002, Report on racism in Italy, 2009 manifestolibri
Laqueur, Fascism. Past, present, future, and Tropea. 2008
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Thursday, May 27, 2010
How To Choose A Heavy Barrel For Rifle
knowledge antiracist, mestizos and metropolitan Library powered by Don Durito
Tavern The tavern Social illegal, is the space and the project that for more than four years offers tasty meals at reasonable prices for all those who cross the yard, during the cultural and musical evenings. There's something for every taste and every budget, from a full menu at the kebab or falafel for vegetarians. Over the years the inn has tripled, to propose an opening every day from Monday to Friday for lunch, with "illegal prices for all budgets precarious" providing a real alternative to temporary workers and students, to eat without having to spend half the salary! Also, Sunday, two per month (approximately), with review of the ethnic dinners, traditional and regional, we propose a way to travel, explore new types of cuisine, learn about places and people always new and interesting, always looking for new relationships with girls * (and not only) from all over the world.
Our dinners are accompanied by traditional music from countries that ideally we visit, or notes of some of the best jazz band in Milan.
Open Monday to Friday from 12 to 15. Friday and Saturday dalle 20 alle 23.
Uno spazio in cantiere in cui mettersi in relazione attraverso l' esperienza del viaggio e delle migrazioni.
Internet point per navigare nella rete e avere accesso alle sue risorse, scambio di info e materiali sui viaggi a partire dal turismo sociale, l' esperienza del viaggio come momento di interazione tra persone provenienti da background differenti, con l'attenzione a comprendere i territori, le culture, i diversi stili di vita.
Un luogo di scambio di informazioni, che guarda al circuito degli ostelli, con materiali raccolti e prodotti attraverso i nostri viaggi ma anche un luogo di relazione, di supporto, di mediazione informale and foreign language for young people, for university students in the Erasmus and backpapers looking for ways that go beyond the usual tourist guide.
space that comes from knowing that you can move the world first of all training and as such should be of high quality and accessible to all, tourism is not as rampant consumption of the territory but as inter-action with it, the trip as an indivisible whole of fun and growth, the need to see the world as the right to mobility.
Open daily, except for political action, from 12.00 to 18. 00.
Since 2008, a new place of free expression in the Yard: rehearsal "Shades", which is open from Tuesday to Sunday to give the opportunity for all groups to try and create self-produce! For fun outside the logic of the show-business of Milan who just wants to economic profit and seeks to annihilate all forms of artistic rebels who were born in the city!
To book call: 377.1352631 (1 hour 7 € / 13 € 2 hours)
Don Durito The Library provides journals and books of the rich and independent alternative in the Italian: literature, comics, counter-culture, history, politics ... Organize events for the presentation of texts recently released or re-printing, addressing the timeliness of contradictions or dreams that arouse curiosity and critical thinking, without ever ceasing to be a bit 'funny. But also a wide selection of new and quality texts of any kind in the original language, VHS and DVD.
Within this space, the Library is also Lib Lab, a project of bookcrossing active since 2003, with hundreds of titles available for the free exchange and free. An opportunity not to be missed for those who love reading but empty pockets, but also for those who want to get rid of warehouses and shelves but do not like to send the culture destroyed.
dalle12.00 Monday-Thursday at 18.00, Friday-Saturday from 15.00 to 24.00.
Blog -
Mail -
REBEL Wears &
In 2004 in the Social Centre Shipyard was established in an area where you can find T-shirts, sweatshirts and gifts, with the aim of using clothing as a means of communication and sharing of political messages as an alternative to the trend imposed by mercato.Presente other material coming from reality 'of movement around the world. Also you can enter the world of street art with spray buy Pimp Your Town, markers or squizer!
Open daily from 15 to 19, except Sunday.
web site >>>
tel 39 02.36511380 Yard and Cox18.
from 18.30 c / o Cs Shipyard>
book presentation and Q & A with the author
DJ Spooky, the "DJ philosopher, will present his Sound Unbound, Sampling Digital Music & Culture, Book with CD. "Intellectual postmodernism", which reflects perfectly the spirit of the times and to identify new ways of applying their theories in various fields, Spooky operates with extremely eclectic by writing to architecture, from music to visual art.
from 23.30 c / o Csoa Cox18>
dj dishes for an evening full of sperimentaizoni
From Musically, Spooky develop an exciting mix of sonic stunts that arise from the virtuosic manipulation of vinyl and from attentive listening to the vibrations that come from the "road". All this adds a spooky vast culture, which allows him to imbue his records and his DJ set of cultural references and surprising.
Dj Spooky biography
The name refers to a character in William S. Burroughs. DJ Spooky is the pseudonym of Paul D. Miller, one of the most eclectic electronic musicians, educated and prepared. Devoted to John Cage, Sun Ra and Grandmaster Flash, is a conceptual artist, writer and musician who works in New York. Has experienced tremendous quantità di musica e ha collaborato con una grande varietà di musicisti e compositori, tra gli altri: Arto Lindasy, Iannis Xenakis, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Butch Morris, Kool Keith aka Doctor Octagon, Pierre Boulez, Philip Glass, Steve Reich, Yoko Ono, Thurston Moore dei Sonic Youth. La sua versatilità artistica lo porta a creare un allestimento audiovisuale per il Whitney Museum e lavora in altri contesti come la Biennale di Venezia/Architettura, il Luwig Museum a Cologna, The Andy Warhol Museum a Pittsburgh; come scrittore appare in The Village Voice, Artforum, The Source, Paper Magazine ecc. La sua prima raccolta di saggi, Rhythm Science, è stata pubblicata nel 2004 da M IT Press. E’, dopo Richard Pinhas, il musicista il cui lavoro è maggiormente integrato dalla filosofia di Deleuze e Guattari che hanno teorizzato l’incontro con la musica elettronica sperimentale. Per Dj Spooky la musica è soprattutto creare strumenti per pensare, per dare alla gente sistemi, per organizzare l’informazione al di fuori delle categorie europee di razionalità. Il suo "remix" è un sistema operativo dove la ripetizione è una sorta di omaggio al futuro nel rispetto del passato.
Tavern The tavern Social illegal, is the space and the project that for more than four years offers tasty meals at reasonable prices for all those who cross the yard, during the cultural and musical evenings. There's something for every taste and every budget, from a full menu at the kebab or falafel for vegetarians. Over the years the inn has tripled, to propose an opening every day from Monday to Friday for lunch, with "illegal prices for all budgets precarious" providing a real alternative to temporary workers and students, to eat without having to spend half the salary! Also, Sunday, two per month (approximately), with review of the ethnic dinners, traditional and regional, we propose a way to travel, explore new types of cuisine, learn about places and people always new and interesting, always looking for new relationships with girls * (and not only) from all over the world.
Our dinners are accompanied by traditional music from countries that ideally we visit, or notes of some of the best jazz band in Milan.
Open Monday to Friday from 12 to 15. Friday and Saturday dalle 20 alle 23.
Uno spazio in cantiere in cui mettersi in relazione attraverso l' esperienza del viaggio e delle migrazioni.
Internet point per navigare nella rete e avere accesso alle sue risorse, scambio di info e materiali sui viaggi a partire dal turismo sociale, l' esperienza del viaggio come momento di interazione tra persone provenienti da background differenti, con l'attenzione a comprendere i territori, le culture, i diversi stili di vita.
Un luogo di scambio di informazioni, che guarda al circuito degli ostelli, con materiali raccolti e prodotti attraverso i nostri viaggi ma anche un luogo di relazione, di supporto, di mediazione informale and foreign language for young people, for university students in the Erasmus and backpapers looking for ways that go beyond the usual tourist guide.
space that comes from knowing that you can move the world first of all training and as such should be of high quality and accessible to all, tourism is not as rampant consumption of the territory but as inter-action with it, the trip as an indivisible whole of fun and growth, the need to see the world as the right to mobility.
Open daily, except for political action, from 12.00 to 18. 00.
Since 2008, a new place of free expression in the Yard: rehearsal "Shades", which is open from Tuesday to Sunday to give the opportunity for all groups to try and create self-produce! For fun outside the logic of the show-business of Milan who just wants to economic profit and seeks to annihilate all forms of artistic rebels who were born in the city!
To book call: 377.1352631 (1 hour 7 € / 13 € 2 hours)
Don Durito The Library provides journals and books of the rich and independent alternative in the Italian: literature, comics, counter-culture, history, politics ... Organize events for the presentation of texts recently released or re-printing, addressing the timeliness of contradictions or dreams that arouse curiosity and critical thinking, without ever ceasing to be a bit 'funny. But also a wide selection of new and quality texts of any kind in the original language, VHS and DVD.
Within this space, the Library is also Lib Lab, a project of bookcrossing active since 2003, with hundreds of titles available for the free exchange and free. An opportunity not to be missed for those who love reading but empty pockets, but also for those who want to get rid of warehouses and shelves but do not like to send the culture destroyed.
dalle12.00 Monday-Thursday at 18.00, Friday-Saturday from 15.00 to 24.00.
Blog -
Mail -
REBEL Wears &
In 2004 in the Social Centre Shipyard was established in an area where you can find T-shirts, sweatshirts and gifts, with the aim of using clothing as a means of communication and sharing of political messages as an alternative to the trend imposed by mercato.Presente other material coming from reality 'of movement around the world. Also you can enter the world of street art with spray buy Pimp Your Town, markers or squizer!
Open daily from 15 to 19, except Sunday.
web site >>>
tel 39 02.36511380 Yard and Cox18.
from 18.30 c / o Cs Shipyard>
book presentation and Q & A with the author
DJ Spooky, the "DJ philosopher, will present his Sound Unbound, Sampling Digital Music & Culture, Book with CD. "Intellectual postmodernism", which reflects perfectly the spirit of the times and to identify new ways of applying their theories in various fields, Spooky operates with extremely eclectic by writing to architecture, from music to visual art.
from 23.30 c / o Csoa Cox18>
dj dishes for an evening full of sperimentaizoni
From Musically, Spooky develop an exciting mix of sonic stunts that arise from the virtuosic manipulation of vinyl and from attentive listening to the vibrations that come from the "road". All this adds a spooky vast culture, which allows him to imbue his records and his DJ set of cultural references and surprising.
Dj Spooky biography
The name refers to a character in William S. Burroughs. DJ Spooky is the pseudonym of Paul D. Miller, one of the most eclectic electronic musicians, educated and prepared. Devoted to John Cage, Sun Ra and Grandmaster Flash, is a conceptual artist, writer and musician who works in New York. Has experienced tremendous quantità di musica e ha collaborato con una grande varietà di musicisti e compositori, tra gli altri: Arto Lindasy, Iannis Xenakis, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Butch Morris, Kool Keith aka Doctor Octagon, Pierre Boulez, Philip Glass, Steve Reich, Yoko Ono, Thurston Moore dei Sonic Youth. La sua versatilità artistica lo porta a creare un allestimento audiovisuale per il Whitney Museum e lavora in altri contesti come la Biennale di Venezia/Architettura, il Luwig Museum a Cologna, The Andy Warhol Museum a Pittsburgh; come scrittore appare in The Village Voice, Artforum, The Source, Paper Magazine ecc. La sua prima raccolta di saggi, Rhythm Science, è stata pubblicata nel 2004 da M IT Press. E’, dopo Richard Pinhas, il musicista il cui lavoro è maggiormente integrato dalla filosofia di Deleuze e Guattari che hanno teorizzato l’incontro con la musica elettronica sperimentale. Per Dj Spooky la musica è soprattutto creare strumenti per pensare, per dare alla gente sistemi, per organizzare l’informazione al di fuori delle categorie europee di razionalità. Il suo "remix" è un sistema operativo dove la ripetizione è una sorta di omaggio al futuro nel rispetto del passato.
Pro Action Replay With Hd Loader
Presentation of "almost goal" with the San POL Precarious
initiative by the Association Rubin Carter, following screening of Maradona.
18.00, @
Shipyard, Via Monterosa 84, Milan Presentation of "Almost
goal", a book published by Derive Landing on the lower divisions of football.
presents the debate 's
AS Rubin Carter
participate in the debate:
Cardinalino Luca, author
POL San Precarious
Click for details of the book: [ laws ]
This book is not tells the story of the usual football. What overflowing by the media. What's Serie A, Champions League, the fees billionaires players, sponsors, the rights of antenna, of intrigues, scams, entertainment, the clash between hooligans. This book is about football "minor": the one that played in the most mangy and remote areas of the suburbs and wards of the Italian province of the infinite. The football series from C down until the third category, beyond which there are only challenges between co-workers, bachelors married and stuff like that. Yet this football "minor" is actually greater numbers, because every Sunday involving hundreds of thousands of people between players, managers, relatives and friends. A world that tells no one, if not careful and curious Luca Cardinalino.
Next, from 22.00, screening of the film Maradona, directed by Kusturica. In
Yard Via Monterosa 84, MM1 Lotto, Bus 90/91
Presentation of "almost goal" with the San POL Precarious
initiative by the Association Rubin Carter, following screening of Maradona.
18.00, @
Shipyard, Via Monterosa 84, Milan Presentation of "Almost
goal", a book published by Derive Landing on the lower divisions of football.
presents the debate 's
AS Rubin Carter
participate in the debate:
Cardinalino Luca, author
POL San Precarious
Click for details of the book: [ laws ]
Next, from 22.00, screening of the film Maradona, directed by Kusturica. In
Yard Via Monterosa 84, MM1 Lotto, Bus 90/91
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