Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Repair Broken Necklaces

The lost bet - no titulo # 11

MILANO La scommessa persa. Ce l’avevano detto. E comunque anche chi scrive resta stupido e stupito; con quegli altri in curva (e non me ne vogliano!), viviamo l’incanto dei ragazzini di fronte ad un trucco magico, sempre nuovo. Jerry danza, si lascia trascinare dall’istinto, non There is evidence that the scare. Until a few months ago it was just a bet, relaunched any small space that the coach decided to leave. Timid as bets, lost almost constantly on the move. What happened over the summer? Jerry turbine in the wind, on the wing or center does not matter, and the wind is unpredictable, there is no way to stop him: if he decides to blow, it does.
We are not here to celebrate a sample. Let other reviews, exchanged vows under the table, the prizes (not on the list for the Ballon d'Or. So what?). Jerry has to be seen, not rewarded. Jerry must enjoy every Sunday in the field. And the body does not deceive us frail, seemingly precarious balance, because he represents happiness, fleeting, fleeting, elusive. The happiness of thousands of young dazed: what are you doing? Where to go? can really (omitted) aim high (Championship? Champions?)? The truth is that it does not matter.
By Jerry does not seem many, perhaps a couple for each generation of players. We continue to follow the wind, like kids playing in the street, without asking where it goes or why.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

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The progressive pop


With progressive means a subgenre of rock music that includes the production of bands like King Crimson, Gentle Giant, Genesis, Yes , PFM and Magma, to more recent ones such as Andromeda and Dream Theater.
for other groups such as the Dictionary of Strawbs Pop-rock by Gentile and Tonti Strawbs album puts it this way: "sounds even toned acoustic side, but with already developed an attitude and slightly epic" progressive "; while the album Just a collection of antiques and curios, "the sound of the moving prog-rock group to areas and rock-baroque '. Before you create a genre for each band (for every album, every song, every verse), I would say that the Strawbs are part of an experimental phase of the rock that if extended to the structure of a single song can lead to progressive, but it is still on this side than I am, Yes. So it can not be totally ascribed to the genus as a group the Moody Blues, which certainly symphonic design concept, but the essence of the song is definitely a catchy rock. There were those who saw in Days of Future Passed (1967) of the latter, the first step in the progressive, but what you feel listening to the album is only the admixture rock and classical music, inserted almost in a concept, or at least in an effective effort to bring together the songs in a thread, different from the product concept, although on that road. It is already so honorable experience of the experimental group, without dovergli attribute intentions of a kind that probably has ever owned. The same can be said for Procol Harum. While this method when the composition exceeds the threshold and enters the progressive, you have a band like Curved Air, which is not limited for example to redo Vivaldi, or inspired by him for a piece (as Procol Harum had done with Bach the famous A Whiter Shade Of Pale), but to elevate rock to classical music, and take on musical phrases to enter into loan projects prog albums, which are those in the micro and macro, as in the first album, 1970 Air conditioning. In that regard, the dictionary of Gentile and Tonti also uses the term "progressive pop" not completely wrong this time, and also applicable to other groups, among which the value for Barclay James Harvest (album masterpieces are like the Once Again ' Octoberon 71 and '76). Pop, rock and progressive, not so much for the atmosphere more relaxed and less fast, but because compared to what's in a song like Roundabaout of Yes, the lack of interlocking pieces of tools that did not allow the execution of the piece by a single strumento armonico; quel che c’è è lo studio della struttura, e quindi la fuoriuscita da una classica sequenza di strofe e ritornelli; e anche laddove ciò avviene, i rimandi interni delle parti musicali non permettono una netta divisione. Altri gruppi si inseriscono in questa variante che troverà seguito fino ad oggi: i Renaissance sono dei maestri in questo sottogenere del sottogenere; ma in generale tutti i gruppi della corrente rock progressiva hanno sporadiche intrusioni di pop progressive ogni qualvolta si perde il senso della microstruttura artificiosa, senza abbandonare quello della macrostruttura.

Monday, December 20, 2010

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

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Fantasia - No party is

We may have found the heir to (omitted) , (omission) or (omitted) ? Does it really make sense to ask such a thing? It is perhaps the most wonderful thing that walks on our football fields, this Sicilian shoot with your eyes behind your head? Yes, behind his head as it might otherwise see who's behind it? How can you make the perfect cast of forty meters without having, in himself, something magical, almost alien DNA? Where did this vision so new and clean, this excellent technique, and the desire to invent new shots every Sunday forbidden to the most? We had never seen anything like it? This is the classic number 10 or are in the presence of real progress, the new 3.0 version of Football? Who would not want so much genius in her pink? What president would not spend every penny just to reconnect the public to the team and the team to victories? How much chemistry behind every touch, every caress that accompanies the ball in the perfect brush strokes? How many subscription television is this man? It had not been told that it is too old? And we return to the main issue: they really sense all these questions when the answer is so obvious? Who would have predicted that a thirty-four would still have the strength and courage to get involved, to become stronger to withstand injuries, draw parables always unpredictable, to download packages from full sidereal distances? No, these questions are meaningless if you do not fully understand the rule that is behind this kind of player: you are willing to do that?
The rule is fantasy.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cute Dresses For A Bar Mitzvah


Saturday, December 18
EX-15 HOURS ROOM IACP Via Amedeo Rossi 22
Provincial Assembly of Federation of the Left
with following Agenda:
-report on the National Congress on 20 and 21 November and illustration of the new Constitution and the Ethics
-debate on the political stage
18 HOURS election coordination of provincial

From 19.30 onwards at the Club "Rosa Luxemburg" in Cuneo Via Saluzzo 28

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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December 19 - The used book market!

you expect from 5 to 8 December to show the used book!
from h. At 10 h. 19

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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of Government: money for Members, students with batons

A Montecitorio ends 314 to 311, with two abstained. Decisive i voti di Calearo (eletto nel PD), Scilipoti (eletto nell’IDV) e Cesario (eletto nel PD e passato nell’Api di Rutelli) .
Il “voto utile” a Veltroni e Di Pietro nel 2008: bella roba davvero!
Un parlamento asserragliato dietro la zona rossa per una fiducia sul filo del rasoio e del mercato dei voti è la dimostrazione materiale del degrado di questo governo e del distacco della politica dalla società reale .
La vittoria ottenuta oggi dal governo Berlusconi è una vittoria di Pirro. Il becchino di Berlusconi and Berlusconi is already in place, and that great movement of young people who do not want to snatch life from the corrupt govern us.
A movement that draws from the haggling one more reason to oppose this government. Palace of Fine maneuvers have proved totally ineffective. Berlusconi now with those numbers can not govern, and in addition those numbers are only the result of corruption of a caste that you also shame those who have voted.

Fabio Panero, provincial secretary of the Communist Refoundation (Federation of the Left)

Calearo and Veltroni
"Now we begin to believe they can win." Walter Veltroni is optimistic after having received the go ahead by Massimo Calearo: Federmeccanica president and leader of the industrial Vicenza became a banner for the Democratic Party. The Print 3/3/2008

Monday, December 13, 2010

Find Penny Hardaway Symbol

titulo # 10 - # 9

ROME - It is party. It will also be a bad boy, Marco this (omitted) , with all the sue veline e feste in discoteca. Potrà sembrare borioso e vanaglorioso, al volante della sua 599, sfrecciando sul Raccordo in barba al codice della strada e della morale. Ai più, apparirà come un bambino viziato. Eppure Marco ha un cuore d’oro. Domenica sera ha tenuto su la squadra, è tornato a coprire, ha fatto reparto da solo (a proposito: il pallone era rimbalzato dentro. Quando ci decideremo con la tecnologia sarà sempre troppo tardi), ha collezionato due pali e ben tre fuorigioco dubbi, fino all’exploit finale. A noi piace, Marco. Lo abbiamo sentito al telefono, ed è stato solare e disponibile. Proprio come in campo: non ha dribblato nessuna domanda, neanche le più scomode, e quando gli abbiamo fatto i complimenti per la doppietta, lo abbiamo sentito abbassare gli occhi imbarazzato, schiarirsi la voce e rispondere con la frase di rito «l’importante è la squadra». E invece no, Marco, la tua giornata d’oro ti porta a doppia cifra nella classifica marcatori, e forse anche il ct (omissis) ora si accorgerà di te. Ma veniamo alla cronaca.
Dopo una bella azione sulla fascia, l’ala crossava al centro, il passaggio veniva respinto dalla difesa avversaria, il mediano calciava da fuori ma la conclusione era sbilenca. Ci pensava Marco a correggere di testa per il goal dell’1-0. Neanche il tempo di festeggiare che su un lungo rilancio della difesa, la control points, a new hard ball with his chest, he avoided the desperate action of the door and put in the easiest of goals. 2-0. In about 100''of madness, ugly and boring after a game, this Anthony of spoiled young man, full of money and of itself resolve the league giving Europe its cities.
Now the child has the turbo, as his Ferrari, and will be very difficult to keep up.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

What Does Wax Build Up Look Like

Without titulo Techniques technical government

House. Scuffles. Racket.
Voting trust.
"Fascists! FASCISTS! You, yes, you! Where were you when the companion Pisu combattevam Piave on our consciences? In the squares, in the factory, in the midst of real people, what you have forgotten, "
pam pam pam " Ladies and gentlemen ... "
pam pam pam "Ladies and gentlemen, I call to order"
"Pss, Pisu. Fuck you, you sleep? "
" Yaaaawn, "yawned Pisu. "Hmm?"
"From that we must vote," and, addressing the House: "How disgusting! Fate sucks! Shame! "
" But sorry, you're still talking, let me sleep, right? "
pam pam pam " Mr Pisu, if she could attend the meeting, instead of dozing ... even on the benches of the House to give " pam pam pam " Ladies and gentlemen, please! " pam pam pam " also to give a semblance of professionalism "
" Shame! Fascists. " Then, in a lower voice: "See? That figure ... and remember to vote right, "
Pisu shook from head to toe and stared, as if to reactivate dormant too remote critical circuits from the exhausting job of Politics.
"sent home the Emperor, then"
"I say, sends him home,"
"Are you crazy?"
'? "
" Pisu, you vote of confidence! You have to vote [YES], "
" But if you're giving an hour of the tow ...?
pam pam pam "Ladies!"
"What does it matter, what is for the show. " This time it was a whisper, a tangle of words hidden in the whirlwind of passion on the right, left, center. "It's still early ..."
"Shame! You have ruined Italy »
'Soon for what?"
"I'm not yet past two years, six months and one day ... Now I cry with me, and remember to trust votargli"
' Fascists , "
pam pam pam
" Shame! "

A word of advice: write two years, six months and one day on Google ...
the next.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Va Appraisal District

student demonstration Friday 'December 10

FRIDAY 'student demonstration on December 10


Today I participated in the procession of students and university which is articulated through the streets of the provincial capital, I participated both as a political activist of the Left, both as a local administrator pro tempore of the City of Cuneo. I want to begin by thanking the organizers of this event: Free Students Group.
mobilizations surprising extent, determination and intelligence, that did not stop after the House approved the bill Gelmini, have won the first result of "forcing" the postponement of the debate in the Senate after the vote of confidence on December 14, continue to grow in schools and universities. Even in Cuneo, despite all the "Hawks of ill omen" has managed to Autoconvocate a rally to say that knowledge, knowledge, education is a fundamental democratic right.
The heavy attack on public schools, university Public and culture in place by Berlusconi's government is based on a logic class that needs to be denounced loudly. The goal is to create two channels of learning: a public school with unqualified teachers, low-paid and unmotivated, for the working classes, a private school for rich and wealthy, which perpetuates the existing social hierarchies. Was reduced by 25% of the school budget, have affected the salaries of teachers and staff, will cut 45,000 jobs in transforming the precarious unemployed. (Cut to € 8 billion and 140,000 jobs in three years the return of public accounts) are reduced school hours, the full-time in compulsory education, the duration of compulsory education, has reintroduced a funnel to work early and proposes lowering the age of entry to employment at 15 years.
are preserved state funding to private schools, and others are added through the regions, provinces, municipalities. Movements che hanno attraversato il nostro paese, le lotte nei luoghi di lavoro,  per la scuola e l’università pubblica, contro la privatizzazione dell’acqua, sono la buona notizia di questi mesi Il 14 dicembre la rete “uniti contro la crisi” costituita da realtà di movimento, esperienze sociali, singole e singoli ha promosso  una giornata di mobilitazione per circondare il Parlamento e far vivere le ragioni della “sfiducia” della società e dei movimenti al governo Berlusconi.
Una grande assemblea popolare sotto Montecitorio, una mobilitazione in tutti i territori, come esercizio di democrazia, domanda di un’alternativa incompatible with government "technical", "transitional", "national responsibility" to get rid of Berlusconi and Berlusconi. For a general strike. To rebuild the possibility of an alternative. This is just the beginning, as the banner read that opened the parade.
Fabio Panero, Municipal Councillor of the PRC in Cuneo Communist Federation (Left)
At this address the images of the event

http:// www.cuneocronaca.tv/saf_playvideo.asp?VideoID=1656

Sunday, December 5, 2010

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"That fist to the sky has never been lowered"

Giovanni Impastato racconta perchè ha aderito alla Federazione della Sinistra.

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