Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Repair Broken Necklaces

The lost bet - no titulo # 11

MILANO La scommessa persa. Ce l’avevano detto. E comunque anche chi scrive resta stupido e stupito; con quegli altri in curva (e non me ne vogliano!), viviamo l’incanto dei ragazzini di fronte ad un trucco magico, sempre nuovo. Jerry danza, si lascia trascinare dall’istinto, non There is evidence that the scare. Until a few months ago it was just a bet, relaunched any small space that the coach decided to leave. Timid as bets, lost almost constantly on the move. What happened over the summer? Jerry turbine in the wind, on the wing or center does not matter, and the wind is unpredictable, there is no way to stop him: if he decides to blow, it does.
We are not here to celebrate a sample. Let other reviews, exchanged vows under the table, the prizes (not on the list for the Ballon d'Or. So what?). Jerry has to be seen, not rewarded. Jerry must enjoy every Sunday in the field. And the body does not deceive us frail, seemingly precarious balance, because he represents happiness, fleeting, fleeting, elusive. The happiness of thousands of young dazed: what are you doing? Where to go? can really (omitted) aim high (Championship? Champions?)? The truth is that it does not matter.
By Jerry does not seem many, perhaps a couple for each generation of players. We continue to follow the wind, like kids playing in the street, without asking where it goes or why.


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