Tuesday, December 28, 2010
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Sunday, December 26, 2010
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With progressive means a subgenre of rock music that includes the production of bands like King Crimson, Gentle Giant, Genesis, Yes , PFM and Magma, to more recent ones such as Andromeda and Dream Theater.
for other groups such as the Dictionary of Strawbs Pop-rock by Gentile and Tonti Strawbs album puts it this way: "sounds even toned acoustic side, but with already developed an attitude and slightly epic" progressive "; while the album Just a collection of antiques and curios, "the sound of the moving prog-rock group to areas and rock-baroque '. Before you create a genre for each band (for every album, every song, every verse), I would say that the Strawbs are part of an experimental phase of the rock that if extended to the structure of a single song can lead to progressive, but it is still on this side than I am, Yes. So it can not be totally ascribed to the genus as a group the Moody Blues, which certainly symphonic design concept, but the essence of the song is definitely a catchy rock. There were those who saw in Days of Future Passed (1967) of the latter, the first step in the progressive, but what you feel listening to the album is only the admixture rock and classical music, inserted almost in a concept, or at least in an effective effort to bring together the songs in a thread, different from the product concept, although on that road. It is already so honorable experience of the experimental group, without dovergli attribute intentions of a kind that probably has ever owned. The same can be said for Procol Harum. While this method when the composition exceeds the threshold and enters the progressive, you have a band like Curved Air, which is not limited for example to redo Vivaldi, or inspired by him for a piece (as Procol Harum had done with Bach the famous A Whiter Shade Of Pale), but to elevate rock to classical music, and take on musical phrases to enter into loan projects prog albums, which are those in the micro and macro, as in the first album, 1970 Air conditioning. In that regard, the dictionary of Gentile and Tonti also uses the term "progressive pop" not completely wrong this time, and also applicable to other groups, among which the value for Barclay James Harvest (album masterpieces are like the Once Again ' Octoberon 71 and '76). Pop, rock and progressive, not so much for the atmosphere more relaxed and less fast, but because compared to what's in a song like Roundabaout of Yes, the lack of interlocking pieces of tools that did not allow the execution of the piece by a single strumento armonico; quel che c’è è lo studio della struttura, e quindi la fuoriuscita da una classica sequenza di strofe e ritornelli; e anche laddove ciò avviene, i rimandi interni delle parti musicali non permettono una netta divisione. Altri gruppi si inseriscono in questa variante che troverà seguito fino ad oggi: i Renaissance sono dei maestri in questo sottogenere del sottogenere; ma in generale tutti i gruppi della corrente rock progressiva hanno sporadiche intrusioni di pop progressive ogni qualvolta si perde il senso della microstruttura artificiosa, senza abbandonare quello della macrostruttura.
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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Da www.cuneocronaca.it
Soddisfazione dal Comitato di Cuneo per l'acqua pubblica dopo l'approvazione dell'ordine del giorno contro la privatizzazione in Consiglio comunale | ||||
| ||||
mandated by the Committee referendum of Cuneo: "We express our satisfaction for the successful adoption of consensus' on water ODG public voted on by all members present (35) in the City Council of Cuneo 23.11.2010. We appreciated the thorough and reasoned discussion of all the advisers who have spoken. In particular those of the representative, Fabio Panero, those with strong support of the directors Liliana Meinero, Louis and Matthew Mazzucchi Martini and the decisive intervention of the mayor Valmaggia. We feel very good step in the Commission's Statute which result in standards the commitment to put the "no economic significance" of the integrated water service: from now on we give our full availability to effective collaboration. We are also convinced of the seriousness of the impact on employment caused by the liberalization of the market and we believe that the policy choices required to be able to give solutions at this point. I understand references to find the most suitable solution for the existing management in the province, while finding a temporary foothold in the Ronchi Decree implementing the Law, are not able to guarantee the solution definitiva per una vera e partecipata ripubblicizzazione del servizio idrico integrato. In questo senso assumono rilevante significato positivo le richieste di moratoria sulle scadenze imposte dalle leggi 166/2009 (Ronchi) e 42/2010 (abolizione delle A.ATO) nonché di diritto al voto referendario entro il 2011, condizioni indispensabili per consentire la democratica espressione del volere dei cittadini. Ci auguriamo che tutti i comuni della provincia seguano l'esempio di Cuneo e degli altri 11 comuni che avevano già deliberato in precedenza, contribuendo ad ottenere dal Parlamento i provvedimenti auspicati. Sollecitiamo l'Amministrazione Provinciale ad assumere analoghi provvedimenti ed invitiamo tutti i cittadini a sottoscrivere la moratoria on-line dal sito www.acquabenecomune.org . Solamente con la vittoria referendaria e le modifiche degli statuti degli Enti Locali si potrà riconsegnare ai cittadini un servizio essenziale, universale e democraticamente gestito evitando la sottomissione alle escludenti regole del mercato.” Comitato Referendario Acqua pubblica Cuneo Ezio Bertaina Alberto Collidà Dalmasso Sergio Oreste Delfino WATCH ILVIDEO http://www.cuneocronaca.tv/saf_playvideo.asp?VideoID=1611 |
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
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Thursday, November 11 and 30 h.18

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Monday, November 15, 2010
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comparison to the ideas and participation of active citizenship through civic committees in support of the candidacy that helped Pisapia parties together to devise the first policy proposals on the content (re-launch of municipal welfare, stabilization of precarious work in Public Administration and centrality of work before the crisis, civil rights for de facto unions, the defense of constitutional legality) to try to change the city. Because the center-left political forces do not go out into the open Cuneo on this issue? The interest is there: the well attended the debate organized by the CIPEC Delfino at home Oct. 18 with Boselli and Pons showed that. I have read very much welcome the statements by the newly elected Secretary of the Democratic Party on national Olivero strumneto will use the primary election, and I was worried that the Regional Director Italy of Values \u200b\u200bPonso. For the rest, a deafening silence.
Friday, November 5, 2010
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010
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Shockfestival 2010: Week ENVIRONMENT GREEN WEEK
June 13 to June 19
All Day: Exhibition of Ecowriting. Metropolitan Opera produced with low impact, in respect of the world we inhabit
From 20.00: Dinner low impact and mileage, with products prepared by the chefs of the merchant's Tavern Social Clandestina to offer the best of your taste buds with the least impact on the area and who live in it! One way to enjoy together, in a time of socializing and fun, the delights that the land can offer, combining a wonderful taste and ethics in your plate! GAMES: h.13: 30 Algeria vs Slovenia on the mechanics of photography. 19:30 From: Pawa Zizza Milan reggae all stars
h.13: 30 New Zealand vs Slovakia policies of privatization and liberalization of water services, to see things more clearly in the scenarios that concern us closely following the approval of the Ronchi decree by the government. To understand what will change in our bills, our pockets and those who try to administer, our access to a valuable resource as water. PARTICIPATE: Giancarlo Peterlongo (Committee for the national referendum), Luca Martinelli (Altraeconomia), Tommaso Fattori (Committee for the Global Water Contract) GAMES:
h.13: 30 France vs Mexico 2010
The song opens in the summer version! Here's to all of you a month of events, activities, music and games are completely free, the only viable alternative for those who just can not break away from the gray and the stress of this Milan increasingly prohibitionist prohibitive, costly and racist
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since Sunday 20 - On Saturday, June 26: "ALL UNDER ONE ROOF"
A week dedicated to just the right to housing beginning this summer, where among those who dream vacation and those who are already preparing to pack more and more are those who can not get away from Milan to hold on their home, because, you know, with the summer exodus' Aler and the City will lick its whiskers, hoping to evict hundreds of families into silence.
DA Sunday, June 27 - A Saturday, July 3: "SPORT"
A week dedicated to sport anti-racist and accessible to all, sport is that cooperation and self-celebration, which undermines the logic of business and profit.
FROM A Sunday, July 4 Sunday, July 11: "A LOOK AT THE MAGHREB"
One Week of insights about the area of \u200b\u200bthe Maghreb. A week of activities for countries to know us so close but yet so far. Exhibitions, screenings and discussions.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
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Fam Zagonel
Val Canali - City Piereni
38054 TONADICO Primiero (TN) Tel
0439.62348 - Fax 0439.64792
Site: http://www.chaletpiereni. com /
E-mail: info@chaletpiereni.it
(more images coming soon)
Fair Primiero Chalet, nestled in the beautiful setting of the Pale San Martino in Val Canali, in the heart of the Paneveggio Park, in prime position to view and tranquility, the Chalet Piereni is the ideal place to spend a holiday in direct contact with nature, and a starting point for wonderful walks, hiking and mountain climbing.
included in the price
* Sauna * Playground *
Typical Kitchen * Tavern / Stube
Alpine Guide recommends ...
... walking and hiking, and ski GA Rinaldo, I will suggest to you the most suitable routes, travel times and difficulties.
* Also, see the routes page on our website.
Piereni in Filò
* * During the months of June - July to September will be organizzati dei brevi corsi di ricamo HARDANGER e semplici sfilature, di hobbistica di vario genere, di cucina o pasticceria per sperimentare le ricette dei cibi a voi graditi.
*Mountain Bike
Per escursioni nei dintorni, l'albergo mette a disposizione per gli ospiti alcune mountainbike, gratuitamente.
Le camere ospitali e confortevoli sono corredate da servizi personali, telefono, TV e per la maggior parte da balconi dai quali scorgerete un ammaliante natura con scorci incantevoli, verdi pascoli in quota, fitti boschi, vi troverete così immersi in un’atmosfera sospesa nel tempo, degna dell’antica tradizione di montagna
Albergo Restaurant Fair Primiero Piereni. The specialty of our cuisine is the authenticity of local products such as homemade pasta, game typical of the Trentino region, mushrooms, tosela feature Primiero and rolling characteristics. Environments accommodating and prepared with care, you will enjoy a symphony of gastronomic delights in a refined and intimate. The warm hospitality that the family Zagonel offers its guests the guarantee for a pleasant and memorable.
If you need more information or wish to contact directly with us, you can do to +39 0439.62791 e-mail or by writing to info@chaletpiereni.it. Our full address is HOTEL Piereni of Zagonel Rinaldo & C. sas, Val Canali - Loc Piereni, 8-38054 TONADICO Primiero (Trento)