Da www.cuneocronaca.it
Soddisfazione dal Comitato di Cuneo per l'acqua pubblica dopo l'approvazione dell'ordine del giorno contro la privatizzazione in Consiglio comunale | ||||
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mandated by the Committee referendum of Cuneo: "We express our satisfaction for the successful adoption of consensus' on water ODG public voted on by all members present (35) in the City Council of Cuneo 23.11.2010. We appreciated the thorough and reasoned discussion of all the advisers who have spoken. In particular those of the representative, Fabio Panero, those with strong support of the directors Liliana Meinero, Louis and Matthew Mazzucchi Martini and the decisive intervention of the mayor Valmaggia. We feel very good step in the Commission's Statute which result in standards the commitment to put the "no economic significance" of the integrated water service: from now on we give our full availability to effective collaboration. We are also convinced of the seriousness of the impact on employment caused by the liberalization of the market and we believe that the policy choices required to be able to give solutions at this point. I understand references to find the most suitable solution for the existing management in the province, while finding a temporary foothold in the Ronchi Decree implementing the Law, are not able to guarantee the solution definitiva per una vera e partecipata ripubblicizzazione del servizio idrico integrato. In questo senso assumono rilevante significato positivo le richieste di moratoria sulle scadenze imposte dalle leggi 166/2009 (Ronchi) e 42/2010 (abolizione delle A.ATO) nonché di diritto al voto referendario entro il 2011, condizioni indispensabili per consentire la democratica espressione del volere dei cittadini. Ci auguriamo che tutti i comuni della provincia seguano l'esempio di Cuneo e degli altri 11 comuni che avevano già deliberato in precedenza, contribuendo ad ottenere dal Parlamento i provvedimenti auspicati. Sollecitiamo l'Amministrazione Provinciale ad assumere analoghi provvedimenti ed invitiamo tutti i cittadini a sottoscrivere la moratoria on-line dal sito www.acquabenecomune.org . Solamente con la vittoria referendaria e le modifiche degli statuti degli Enti Locali si potrà riconsegnare ai cittadini un servizio essenziale, universale e democraticamente gestito evitando la sottomissione alle escludenti regole del mercato.” Comitato Referendario Acqua pubblica Cuneo Ezio Bertaina Alberto Collidà Dalmasso Sergio Oreste Delfino WATCH ILVIDEO http://www.cuneocronaca.tv/saf_playvideo.asp?VideoID=1611 |
Last night the City Council voted unanimously to Cuneo Agenda submitted public water by PRC-Communist Federation of the Left. After an extensive debate that has also seen some minor amendments to the original text all political forces and civil lists of both majority and minority have decided to subscribe in full the proposals contained in the agenda and in particular:
-recognize in its Statute Municipal the human right to water or access to water as a human right, universal, inalienable and status of water as a public good and confirm the principle of public ownership and management integrated water service, recognize that the water service is a public service free of local economic importance, as a public service essential to ensure access to water for all, so now in-laws, the Commission will discuss these changes.
For the City's majority shareholder di ACDA la S.P.A tutta pubblica che gestisce l'acqua di una settantina di Comuni in provincia di Cuneo è un segnale davvero importante.
In più con l'Ordine del Giorno il Comune di Cuneo si impegna a
-sostenere la richiesta al Parlamento di una moratoria sulle scadenze imposte dal comma 8 dell’art. 23 bis della Legge n°133/2008, così come modificato dall’art. 15 del DL 135/2009 convertito nella Legge n° 166/2009 in merito all’obbligo di messa a gara della gestione del water service
-support the request to Parliament in the event of early elections, a measure derogating from the provisions of Law 352/1970, in order to allow the carrying out the referendum in 2011.
-support the request to Parliament for a moratorium on deadlines imposed by article 1 of Decree 25 January 2010 converted into Law 42/2010 on the abolition of Area Authority Territorial
I would like to sincerely thank the committee secretary for public water for their cooperation: last night's vote represents an important political fact unthinkable a few months ago, the result of a collective work is really important.
The applause liberating fire last night from the benches of the public in the City Council the "bounce" the praise goes to the perseverance, seriousness and commitment of the work done by the Committee Secretary and the thousands of fellow citizens who also wanted to Cuneo support the referendum questions.
Here is the final agenda approved last night.
Water is a common good for humanity, the universal common good, a common public good so irreplaceable, that belongs to all.
The right to water is an inalienable right: the water can not be owned by anyone, but good shared equally by all, access to water should be guaranteed for all as a public service.
By decision of the State Council No. 6529 of September 10, 2010 states that the purpose of the distinction between local public services which have no economic significance and relevance of that, "we need to use a relativistic criterion, taking into account the peculiarities of the case, as the concrete structure of the service, the concrete ways its completion, its specific economic and organizational characteristics, the nature of the party called upon to discharge these functions, the legal framework of the service, "making clear that the Authority is the owner of the service in order to determine the status of a local public service as having relevance economic or not.
In Italy it is on a broad social coalition in defense of the public management of water services, which supported three abrogation referendum on the management of water services, for which were filed in the Supreme Court more than 1,400. 000 signatures.
In the event of early elections the referendum, which under the normal legislative process should be launched in the spring of 2011, would be delayed by one year
The Constitutional Court, the sentence was pronounced so 325/2010 negative with regard to appeals lodged by the Emilia-Romagna, Liguria and Piedmont against Article .23 bis of Law No. 133/2008 and Regions Marche, Puglia, Tuscany, Umbria, Emilia-Romagna, Liguria and Piedmont against ' article 15 of Decree 135/2009, with amendments to Law 166/2009. At the same time said that the Italian government had no obligation to liberalize Community and that the legislature had full power to determine independently the non-economic significance of the SII.
From March 2011, will be done by the abolition of the territorial scope of authority pursuant to Article 1 of Decree 25 January 2010 converted into Law 42/2010 which gives the task of defining the regions within a year, by law, the functions already performed by the A. ATO.
1 constitutionalize the right to water, through the following actions:
recognize in its Municipal Statute the human right to water or access to water as a human right, universal, inalienable and status of water as a public good;
confirm the principle of public ownership and management of integrated water
recognize in its constitution that the municipal water service is a public service free of local economic importance, as a public service essential to ensure access to water for all,
2 Supporting the possibility for citizens to rule on the management of water services through the following actions:
support the request to Parliament for a moratorium on the time limits imposed by paragraph 8 of Article. 23 bis of Law No. 133/2008, as amended by art. 15 of DL 135/2009 converted into Law No. 166/2009 on the obligation of making tender the management of water services
support the request to the Parliament in If early elections, a measure derogating from the provisions of Law 352/1970, in order to allow the conduct of referendum by 2011.
3 Claiming the role of local governments in the management of integrated water services, through the following actions:
support the request to Parliament for a moratorium on tax deadlines article 1 of Decree 25 January 2010 converted into Law 42/2010 on the suppression of the authorities of territorial
The town of Cuneo as the majority shareholder of ACDA, is committed to go through all the possible ways to prevent the sale of "forced" by 40% of the capital, as well as trying to impose the Ronchi Decree. This is also because of ODG previously voted by this City Council.
4 To support the campaign for ripubblicizzazione water service.
5 Promote a culture in its territory for the Protection of water resources through the following actions:
informing the public about various aspects concerning the acuqa on our territory, and environmental management,
promote the use of water aqueduct starting with the municipal offices and school canteens ;
promoting an information campaign on water saving, with the encouragement of the use of flow reducers.
timely information to citizens on water quality, with published chemical analysis through the public display
DELIBERA DI APPROVARE il testo all’Ordine del Giorno come da proposta presentata nella parte narrativa e propositiva che si intende qui di seguito integralmente trascritta e di trasmettere il presente provvedimento all’A.ATO 4 e a tutti i Sindaci del suo ambito
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