Giuliano Pisapia per due volte Parlamentare di Rifondazione Comunsta, ha vinto le elezioni primarie di Milano perchè ha saputo unire la sinistra (Federazione della Sinistra e Sinistra e Libertà , ma anche settori critici del Partito Democratico ) , ha saputo dialogare con la città senza rinunciare al ruolo della politica unito a quello della società civile. Julie has managed to put together, the voluntary sector, voluntary, youth in the fight against insecurity, workers in the struggle to defend their jobs, migrants who are fighting for citizenship, the areas of trade union left, the enlightened bourgeoisie meneghina.Una inclusive candidate, then. He listened carefully, the city and took note of his needs.
comparison to the ideas and participation of active citizenship through civic committees in support of the candidacy that helped Pisapia parties together to devise the first policy proposals on the content (re-launch of municipal welfare, stabilization of precarious work in Public Administration and centrality of work before the crisis, civil rights for de facto unions, the defense of constitutional legality) to try to change the city. Because the center-left political forces do not go out into the open Cuneo on this issue? The interest is there: the well attended the debate organized by the CIPEC Delfino at home Oct. 18 with Boselli and Pons showed that. I have read very much welcome the statements by the newly elected Secretary of the Democratic Party on national Olivero strumneto will use the primary election, and I was worried that the Regional Director Italy of Values \u200b\u200bPonso. For the rest, a deafening silence.
comparison to the ideas and participation of active citizenship through civic committees in support of the candidacy that helped Pisapia parties together to devise the first policy proposals on the content (re-launch of municipal welfare, stabilization of precarious work in Public Administration and centrality of work before the crisis, civil rights for de facto unions, the defense of constitutional legality) to try to change the city. Because the center-left political forces do not go out into the open Cuneo on this issue? The interest is there: the well attended the debate organized by the CIPEC Delfino at home Oct. 18 with Boselli and Pons showed that. I have read very much welcome the statements by the newly elected Secretary of the Democratic Party on national Olivero strumneto will use the primary election, and I was worried that the Regional Director Italy of Values \u200b\u200bPonso. For the rest, a deafening silence.
now is to up the tempo, missing a year and a half the natural expiration of the administration of Mayor Valmaggia: while the administrative action must continue to be as effective in these three and a half years, on the other political parties and the civic lists that support should comment on a very simple concept: it is right that our people choose names and plans for the future of our city, or as always prevail the old way of doing politics, that is all will be decided by the secretaries of the Party? Who's afraid of confrontation popular? The Federation of the Left certainly do not.
Fabio Panero
Councillor PRC-Communist Federation of the Left.
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