The 25 most interesting books chosen by the Library Durito Don!
to read and / or give away this holiday season
tests, but also novels.
to anti-D , ecology, economy
, to music; from school, home, anti-racism.
analysis tools and insights at the end of a year of mobilization and toward a new year always on the move!
With blood in my eyes, Jackson, Agency X
With blood in my eyes collects the letters and essays on political theory that the author wrote after the death of his young brother Jonathan, who was killed while attempting to free three prisoners blacks. George L. Jackson brought out irregularly from the prison of San Quentin this manuscript a few days before being murdered by guards, August 21, 1971. [ continues
den, Brill-Fenoglio, Yellow-billed
ria'm Italian. [ continues ]
Un'altra birra, Acanfora, Altreconomia
Italia, terra di santi, navigatori e birrai. Un fenomeno che ormai conta quasi 300 birrifici artigianali, tra piccoli produttori e brewpub. Un mondo in fermento che coltiva l’attenzione alla qualità e alle materie prime, i legami con il territorio, l’autarchia -ove possibile- e la sostenibilità delle produzioni, il lavoro sociale. [continua]
Filosofie di Avatar, Caronia, Mimesis
Avatar segna una rivoluzione nel cinema e nell’immaginario. Certo non inattesa, ma non per questo meno radicale. Le nuove tecniche 3D creano per lo spettatore situazioni di coinvolgimento e di immersione prima impensabili. Tutto il sistema di produzione e di distribuzione è stato sconvolto e ridisegnato dal film di Cameron. In questo nuovo intreccio fra immaginario, tecnica e produzione, il cinema si riconferma snodo centrale dell’industria culturale – e quindi anche indice, sintomo e forza propulsiva di qualcosa che va al di là di essa. [ continua ]
Nuclear power is not 'the answer, Helen Caldicott
2012, the Great Depression,
Aldo Giannuli ,
In 2012, the world certainly will not end, but could change history. The three-year '12-14 There are indeed a crossroads of epochal events. Not only that, as already afraid of central banks and rating institutions, we are still in a crisis, but it could seriously intensified. Among the causes, the economic weakness linked to U.S. debt, but also some European countries, with the maturity of government bonds and bonds for the monstrous total of about twenty thousand billion, foreign exchange and trade war between the West and China, the crisis of ' European Union with the risk of a split, and political events of great significance: the presidential elections in the U.S., France and Russia, the change of the Chinese leadership, the appointment of the new governor of the Bank and, in our little Italy, the possibility creeping soft forms of soft or not to secede. [ continues ] Lumi Punk, Philopat, AgenziaX
"An explosion of rage, energy, positive and negative together. The punk nihilism in some constructive way." The birth of punk in Italy has been intertwined with the extraordinary movement of the extra-parliamentary left. From this meeting, almost non-existent elsewhere, it explodes a unique experience that uses the space occupied by the previous generation to organize concerts, self-managing and structuring innovative and radical proposal for political and existential. [ continues
Why Socialism 'No', Cohen, Ponte alle Grazie
This is the best possible world? Who can support it today? Who can make us think that all our aspirations to change history is doomed to failure? Socialism is really undesirable, it is really impossible? Read This valuable little book - a rigorous philosophical essay written for all, with humor and wisdom - is capable of making us think again about issues today more alive than ever. And comfort, with the thought of justice and brotherhood finally possible. [Continues
How is the nazi? Bifo Shadows Court
Aggressive nationalism, racism, religious fundamentalism, fanaticism of membership are back on the world stage and could lead to barbarism. How can we define this return of the foul beast? We can call "fascism" so different behavior? Maybe we should speak rather of a psychopath that is spreading in the daily life of people in the world after decades of systematic encouragement of competition.
Mike Davis, The conquest of U.S. Latinos
An analysis on the fundamental fact of recent years in the U.S.: the weight of numbers and political growing immigrant Latinos, who not only reshape the urban landscape of American cities, but also the political landscape and the guidelines of the left. [
Town Hall, Toni Negri and Michael Hardt
Moderate will be you, and Bascetta D'Eramo, manifestolibri
What is the moderates, neither of which is invoked by many, indicated as the royal road of prosperity and progress, seem to explain it. It is not a method, nor a precise set of principles, the period ends with the state nothing more than an intermediate point on a relative scale to each unit as possible (fever, the wind, the magnitude of an earthquake, as well as the political passion) and applicable to any content. Versatile, permanent, ready to use, like many other terms in the political lexicon contemporary, beginning with "governance." [ continues ]
What, today, the aspirations and daily hardships of those who wear the black leather in Italy ? How to live the new Italian blacks, children of mixed couples, or adopted, or born to African parents living for decades in our country? Above all, there is a problem of racism in Italy? How to be conceived the notion of citizenship in our society, destined to be increasingly multi-ethnic?
[ continues ]
The school belongs to everyone, De Michele, Minimumfax
Too many teachers, pupils and violent jackasses, caretakers lazy, inadequate programs ... the Italian school is really in a state of emergency as claimed by those who want to save the sound of cuts to staff, strict discipline, evaluations 'quantitative' learning? This book, combining statistical analysis and theoretical tools of great authority with the experience of those who worked for years in classes, and dismantles stereotypes increases the prospect: the enemy to fight is a huge crisis of cultural and political values \u200b\u200bthat could make the school (and society) increasingly authoritarian. [
War on land, Peacereporter, Edition environment
PeaceReporter of Journalists tell stories of war that have a common motive: the scramble for natural resources. The raw materials used to produce goods and services useful to society, but are not infinite and not equally distributed. In many cases, resources that provide the high standard of living for rich and peaceful part of the world are located in the poor and devastated by war. Despite this, no one seems willing to pay a fair price or to stop using them. [ continues ]
It 'been a dead guy, harvested, Book + DVD
Federico Aldrovandi has just turned eighteen years old when, at 'dawn of September 25, 2005, he met a police patrol near the racecourse, in Ferrara. A few hours later the family learned of his death. Between these two moments, and many many questions silences. The book covers the legal and human affairs related to the death of Frederick, the reconstructions of the police who speak of death by overdose, the wonder and pain of relatives and friends and originally used to store a judicial inquiry. Then the first suspect, the disfigured body of the boy, the official versions that are contradicted by the analysis ... [ continues ]
not killed me death, Moretti - Bruno, Castelvecchi
the night of October 15, 2009, the young surveyor Stefano Cucchi was stopped by a patrol Carabinieri near the Park of the Aqueducts of Rome, and found in possession of a small amount of hashish. The soldiers, having searched the home of Cucchi, stop the boy and took him to the barracks. At the time of - contrary to what has been claimed - Stefano is in excellent health and attended a course of daily prepugilistica. The day after his arrest, for summary trial in the court yard of Clodius, he marked his face but is still doing well. That's the last time the parents of Stephen Cucchi have a chance to see their son. [ continues ]
Palestine Year Zero - Global Conflict 7
After the book "Israel as a paradigm", the new release of "Global Conflict" focuses on the other side of that conflict, the Palestinian side. A year from the offensive on Gaza on the Palestinian side is fragmented and divided as never before, by physical barriers, checkpoints, walls and West Bank settlements that make a land where it is almost impossible to live and move. Gaza, with its sealed borders for years now, appears more like a giant internment camp and as a territory of a future state. The divisions are not only physical but also political: the conflict that opposed all Palestinian Fatah e Hamas - laici e religiosi - crea ulteriori barriere. "Palestina anno zero" si interroga sulle strategie di sopravvivenza che caratterizzano una popolazione da decenni sotto occupazione. Autorevoli studiosi italiani e stranieri, attraverso le voci dei palestinesi, fanno emergere tanto la ricca trama di pratiche di resistenza quanto la frammentazione causata da un'esistenza confinata. Piazza d'Italia, Antonio Tabucchi, Feltrinelli
Un borgo toscano nelle paludi, vicino al mare. L'epopea di una famiglia di anarchici, ribelli per temperamento e tradizione: storia three generations of revolutionaries from the names of symptomatic Garibaldo, Quarto, Volturno, people leaving for war and adventure travel in Europe, Africa, the Americas died in the struggle against the bosses. Combative and courageous women who trust in horoscopes and even witches. A rural world, archaic, now deceased, a fairy tale and fantasy are popular with all melancholy, and moved deep, bright and gay, pervaded by a sense of the fragility of life. [ continues
London Zero Zero, Lorenzo Fe, Agency X
What we know about the new musical trends and cultural year zero of London? A generation bastard is gaining ever wider areas, but too few have been noticed. London is a zero-zero document full of untraceable material written by a young talent who has fallen in the first person in the districts of East London, one of the most innovative urban laboratories in the world thanks to the ethnic melting pot, the frenetic artistic activity and its working memory and cockney. [ continues ]
apple, NGN, Agency X
Born in a garage with a pirate flag waving, created by a former hippie and a hacker, Apple today launched the fulminations against free software, and promotes cross antiporno declares war dissanguanti patents. Pulsate in the background the format war, web and digital freedom. Apple is no longer the company of creative people who years ago encouraged us to Think Different
, but the worst enemy of the digital underground, as evidenced by the blitz against the Gizmodo blogger who made the scoop of the year: Photos preview in iPhone 4G. apple part from this incident to fathom what lies behind the mutation Apple obsessed with secrecy, the role of smart secular messiah Steve Jobs, the marketing power of the aggressive and bluff dell'iPad
names, surnames and infamous, Giulio Cavalli, Verdener
Giulio Cavalli's book is not a book like the others . names, surnames and infamous impersonal is the diary of a year of stories crossed in a tour that went from stage to be his story: that of a stage actor who lives in basis for two years. It is a journey through time and space that takes readers by the attack in Via D'Amelio's smile Bruno Caccia, in the words of Pippo Fava murder of Don Peppe Diana passing through the courage of Peppino Impastato, Crocetta and boys Addiopizzo of up to reveal the presence of the Mafia in the North that the author was among the first to denounce. It is also a choral history to 670 dedicated people in our country today live under protection. [ continues ]
Adamolo I'm Anna - Vocals and raccconti by the tidal wave - Nda
Dall'Onda Anomala nasce Anna Adamolo. Anna Adamolo è la pluralità del movimento contro la Riforma Gelmini, è il rifiuto a giocare con il futuro come se fossimo a una partita di Monopoli, è il grido di un no e la fermezza di tanti sì. Anna Adamolo è un immaginario non domato e non normalizzato, è la volontà di tenere aperto il molteplice e il possibile contro l'arroganza di un pensiero contabile, è il rifiuto di sanare le difficoltà dell'oggi con le miserie di domani. Anna Adamolo è "Noi la crisi non la paghiamo". Anna Adamolo sono le studentesse e gli studenti, le precarie e i precari, le maestre e i maestri, le insegnanti e gli insegnanti, le bambine e i bambini, moms and dads in recent months have led a protest in the streets of Italy against fraudsters than ever present, and future. [ continues ]
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