Friday, January 28, 2011
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Italian Schools, not to be complicit!
Permanent Territorial Centres, schools Italian for some groups of migrants and Turin have written a letter of protest against the Italian language test to obtain a residence permit long-term (or for those applying for the first time a residence permit). Teachers, principals and those who work in associations and committees in the side of immigrants and who know their real conditions of life, believe that an examination can not create social inclusion and certainly not for cultural production, but on the contrary, this language test introduced by the government comes with the sole purpose of making the lives of migrants in Italy more difficult and precarious than it already is.
The CTPs of Turin argue that the introduction of language tests is primarily a waste of public money. Starting in fact from the economic data, it appears that the Province of Turin has allocated € 500,000 and the Ministry of Interior has decided to reward teachers and principals to work in the judging panel - done on time by the excess of the regular school duties. The CTP note that these resources allocated for examinations, could be used to enhance the Italian public schools and all places of training for migrants, places where migrants can actually learn Italian and learn another culture. Instead the Italian language schools and other projects for social inclusion were the subject of constant cuts despite a growing demand. An examination does not produce culture, but can produce lavish go to private schools. In the face of cuts to public schools, like the rest of the world 'education and public education, migrants are forced to pay dearly for courses at private schools and then pass the exam and obtain permission

U n bit like when the doctors were asked not to cure the sick, but to denounce undocumented migrants.
Teaching, producing culture, foster social inclusion, immeticciamento society and removing obstacles to language learning is the role of the teachers are there to declare it impossible for a migrant to obtain the residence permit because socially and economically disadvantaged (because could not afford a course at a private school or because they have never been able to study even in their own country).
Not to be complicated and a courageous stand taken by teachers and principals who do not buy for a song by Maroni, but instead claim that the ideological mission, standards and ethics, which are the basis of their profession.
Below here are the points and the demands of the signatories of the letter:
In conclusion, the teachers and teachers of the CTP
1) declare their unwillingness to become mere executors of rules and practices that make it more precarious
the lives of migrants and, in fact, tend to expel them from the social fabric.
2) declares the other hand, if their total share routes were identified serious linguistic and cultural
based on the recognition of a right (to the study, training, continuing education ... ..) and not on a
3) ask them to enhanced funding from the Ministry of Education to increase the supply of courses for adults is aimed
attestation of linguistic proficiency and the achievement of securities study.
4) They ask the prefecture and regional educational institutions, to report to the respective Ministries
negativity of the provisions adopted and the request to suspend its implementation.
5) They ask, school networks, organizations of migrants, cultural associations, trade unions, to organize a strong
mobilization with moments of confrontation, information, training and protest that the
language and Italian culture will become a right of citizenship and not a moment of
6) Ask to the political forces to propose legislation which promotes democratic access to the study of
migrants through incentives such as rules, for example, could be the recognition in the event of unemployment
occurred, a course of study for the permit renewal stay or the automatic regularization
an illegal immigrant who is working at the same time and following
a state curriculum.
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