Monday, February 28, 2011
Good Marriage Card Writing
eat me, I'll eat you up;
under the arcades of the reports are only
with all your double vu
to listen now while I beat.
laugh or cry is always the same as porn
transfuses me if I type
six sex sax, the instrument of Lucifer;
it's OK to put a lowercase letter.
All steps can be everything if you: my name
who are poets!
many and which events happen in your pipe
I smoke and I smell you to buzz when you cry.
I do if I buy the ticket from just an idea.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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Monday, February 21, 2011
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"what the future will tell 'us'
National Secretary of the Communist Refoundation (FDS)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
How To Peek Masterbation
In winter the cold
summer sun,
the bill,
pan, knife
Forks waiter
from the deck,
to discover ... In the rooms of Vitruvius
I met four colors of a peacock
but had not yet made the connection to the phone.
In November, rain, wind
in March.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Bible Verses For Baby's Room
tra il papa e papi, uomini che comprano le donne e donne che (anche da certa sinistra) bacchettano le prostitute e apostrofano le puttane con toni da inquisizione, sembra di essere tornati indietro di 60 anni...! contro le prostitute di regime si recupera la figura della donna angelo del focolare, della donna di casa, della moglie, della figlia, sister ... nun! just could not get rid of provincialism, conformism and moralism that afflicts us! Catholic bigotry, and so driven to the door, falls to the window of the villa in Arcore ... In short: where is the feminine revolution? remember that a woman (and a man, a * gay / lesbian / trans / queer!) * is free to fuck whoever he wants and how he wants!
Don Durito this week suggest some good books on the subject: leggiamoli, approfondiamoli ... sperimentiamoli! leave aside the prejudices ... sex is to be enjoyed, despite the pope and popes!
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would become a terrorist: he would have met its desires and, surprisingly, began to assert his creative personality wherever he had appeared: the artist would have done at the time accused of being the most criminal of the functions ... but to start this radical program: the first thing to do would be to become: a woman

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700 and more ways of being a lesbian: this is the result of the first Inquiry into the lives of lesbian women. affirm and deny themselves is the double movement of lesbians in our country, but apparently so advanced in fact moral and provincial levels.

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un romanzo romantico e ironico, appassionato e politico. il protagonista è la fata dell'angolo, travestito e svampita, sensibile e innamorata del giovane carlos del fronte patriottico manuel rodriguez, organizzazione militante contro il regime di pinochet. sognatrice coraggiosa e imprevedibile, la fata dell'angolo è amata da tutti, anche dalle vecchie zitelle di fronte che sparlano tutto il giorno di lei.
Monday, February 14, 2011
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¹ Silence poetic symbol is already di per sé metonimico di una frustrazione poetica che coagula in sé in modo empatico sia la capacità musicale di pauseggiare il discorso melodico anche se spesso di per sé già privo di note sia il nulla.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
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and presentation of the new issue of
Often these young graduates, it is always a generation that has been stolen from the future economic policies wicked, from the crisis countries and governments of all countries of the Mediterranean and beyond. To the beat of rap El General, watching video footage of Tahrir Square and Sidi Bouzid, we first ask what unites us as a red line crosses the sea from Tunis to Paris, from Cairo to Milan. Via Monte Rosa 84 Milano mm1
Friday, February 11, 2011
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interressant statements by the Secretary of the PD Bersani
From Republic online
Interview with Secretary of Pd on the front page Padania: "I propose a pact between the popular forces. If the government falls, me and my party commitment to continue the autonomist perspective" . Message Maroni: "On landing from North Africa is right. I know that you are not racist"
does not use turns of phrase, the Secretary-Pd: the Northern League, he argues, "to keep the plug today attacked the Berlusconi government." An aggressive treatment, as Bossi's Northern League and the General Staff said on several occasions, has as its sole purpose is to bring home federalism. But "in these conditions, we risk making a bad reform," warns Bersani. For this, he says, it's time to "look beyond Berlusconi at the same time preserve the autonomist perspective."
The league then, is the covenant proposed by Bersani, face down Berlusconi: "Why can not sacrifice everything, which is the key reform in the name of Ruby." Then, anything can happen, and ensure democratic
But the secretary of the Democratic Party goes further, in tones that, by a center-left leader, not heard since D ' Alema called the League "rib of the left", referring to the wave of landings from North Africa, Bersani claims to support the request of the Minister Maroni "greater share of the European Union before the emergency in North Africa." And, with a intended to discuss a statement, said: "I know that the league is not racist."
It's enough to raise a fuss so much opposition, as in the majority. on the first page Padania, Bersani's interview appears in a large panel dominated by the face of Umberto Bossi and the phrase: "This is the crucial week." Words that sound like a final warning to Berlusconi and his government.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
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Ti amo ¾ più di ieri:
sarà il caldo che dilata i solidi,
ma anche quando la brina si distende
sulla carreggiata non riesco a frenare.
Non posso far tacere gli alberi
né squadrare il cielo…
Lo so: ormai
non mi impegno più much;
what I missed was not the oil
or oil lamp, but the recognition
official institutional academic cultural, and even
this (maybe) if I did not see the monkeys
maimed (the monkey)
sculettare the belly in front of the sultan,
then, to think of it, is not
I want to be in place: I did not exist
the chair.
Monday, February 7, 2011
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Here's the video of the debate on Tuesday!
intervention -
Karim Metref
- Another opportunity for all quelli che se lo sono persi!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Brent Everett Jan 2010
joined the Resistance!
Paris and London - December 10, 2010: Students took a car Prince Chalz;
Rome - 14 December 2010: After Berlusconi bought the votes to keep
on his overwhelming public anger exploded; Tunisia - January 2011: fled Zine Ben Ali escaped after 23 years

venal President Sali Berisha.
Egypt - January 28, 2011: Fri anger out thousands of young people الى الشارع
للاطاحة بالدكتاتور مبارك! أزمة لم تنته بعد: هي أزمة الرأسمالية المتوحشة التي تحاول استغلال كل دقيقة
في حياتنا و كل رقعة علي الكرة الأرضية.
من اوروبا الي الدول العربية: حكومات سرقت مستقبلنا، نريد حقوقنا و الحرية!
و سوف نسير في هذه الطريق حتي نبعد الحكومات الطاغية والفاسدة
Tuesday, February 1 at 18.30 @ Shipyard
From Europe that can no longer dell'Austerity look carefully, anger and solidarity to Tunisia, which has raised its head. Listening to the rap of the General we have a reason to reject the story according to which "democratic dictators" in the Arab world, supported by our governments, are the bastions of secularism and deserve support if they do not want the "Islamic fundamentalism" take power.
Karim Metref, writer and blogger look at the blog |
Thassadith Nurdin, Al Jazeera journalist Younness Rhouma, Tunisian trade unionist and together Paolo Gonzaga them, Max Guareschi and many others. Que se Vayan Todos, Let's take our future o in arabo "Barre" (via via) sono tanti slogan che in diverse lingue, da Londra a Tunisi hanno attraversato l'Europa prima e il Mediterraneo... a partire da questo comune discuteremo del futuro, che è appena cominciato. via monte rosa 84 mm1 lotto - - -
Jak Zamienić Ppc Pda Na Garmina
Middle - No Special titulo
sat, or better camouflaged. Not a sound, not a fly. Wife and children filed by the mother-in-law, pizza in the oven to warm and familiar Birroni freezer. The latest acquisition: Full video screen H3D, fifty inches and more, Dolby Triple effect Reality Vose Surround 8.2, and that Ikea sofa ... Stümmmunground, neck 7829/bis, only € 1,899.00. A rate. ... But the parable is the parable of the ear on the world. Parabola is a term that refers to a spiritual sphere, it contains something sacred. That couch, that television, sound ... everything quell'impianto acquired a simple way by opening a window on the world. Stümmerda the fuck off you and the rest, without the dish. The (omitted) was the first semifinal of the Champions League after thirty years. Who was in need of children, wives, jobs and hobbies, when there was the parable? What a pity it was only discovered at age so advanced, the parable. During a roundup in the locker room, the operator struck the goalkeeper, the gate of two meters by two, inadvertently, of course, but opening up a brow. Even before kick-off, the (omitted) was already ahead thanks to the flat rate of best keeper in the world. Okay. After a first half full of emotions and three of 66 Birroni, the atmosphere became hot. Among the dismay of the reporter (such as a glove that he wore black latex! With a little 'attention and approval of the director, one could clearly see the nipples turgid) and the disdain of the expert, the ultras opponents invaded the field and beat her the second goalkeeper, guilty, probably, of that strange own goal. The cops came hard on the ultras, while the poor wretch was taking a number on the wing and pulled nell'angolino the changing rooms. On his return, in front of the opponent's goal, all around the rear window area of \u200b\u200bdefense, has deployed a dozen Playmobil: The team ecstatic audience (short of stocks Birroni, now) scored 18 after the so-called banfelle third goalkeeper refused to enter the field. Outside the home. The spectacle of football, my love! it is only in heaven. Wednesday, February 2, 2011Cobra 148 Gtl Cb Radio Test The government is afraid of the Italian vote Minister Maroni wants to vote for the referendum on June 12, schools closed to avoid a quorum Minister Maroni said today that the next council of ministers will propose on June 12 as a day to carry out the referendum. As you know, this is the last date allowed by the law stipulates that a referendum be held between April 15 and June 15. It 's a clear choice and is not random: June 12 schools are already closed and the beginning of the summer season will be an incentive for those who can afford to go out of town. At least, the wishes of the Minister and Government to which it belongs, evidently afraid that this time the referendum may reach a quorum and you win. For this Maroni has chosen the path of the boycott, aware that the normal political discourse between supporters of Yes and no loser would see it. the minister should also be noted that it was on its proposal that local elections in 2009 were merged with the European Union. Then he was concerned that no public money is wasted unnecessarily (calculated a saving of € 400 million) with more than elections. Today, despite it being in the middle of the economic crisis, the concern is gone. The organizing committee for the referendum ripubblicizzazione water and the anti-nuclear campaigners have long since started a petition, che ha raccolto migliaia di firme, per chiedere l’accorpamento delle date di amministrative e referendum. Hanno chiesto un incontro al ministro per illustrargli le ragioni che sostengono l’accorpamento: ragioni economiche ma soprattutto di maggiore garanzia di partecipazione. La risposta è stata quella che apprendiamo dalle agenzie: una arrogante chiusura al confronto e l’assoluta indifferenza alla possibilità che cittadine e cittadini siano messi nelle condizioni migliori per esercitare il loro diritto al voto. Già ci fu chi nel passato disse “tutti al mare” e gli andò male. Sarà così anche questa volta. Roma, 3 marzo 2011 C OMITATO REFERENDARIO 2 SI’ PER L’ACQUA BENE COMUNE COMITATO VOTA SI’ PER FERMARE IL NUCLEARE Il Comitato Referendario Cuneese 2 SI per l'Acqua Bene Comune sarà presente sulle piazze e nelle sale della provincia per sostenere la richiesta di accorpamento ed informare i cittadini sul percorso dei referendum. Venerdi 11 marzo ore 21 presso il palazzetto dello sport di Priola (Val Tanaro); sabato 12 marzo dalle 15 alle 19 in piazza Galimberti a Cuneo;domenica 20 marzo a Savigliano, in piazza Del Popolo, in occasione della fiera della meccanizzazione e poi ancora a Racconigi, a Saluzzo, a Mondovì, a Fossano..... . Il 26 marzo parteciperemo alla manifestazione nazionale a Roma, da Cuneo è previsto un pullman: per prenotazioni contattare i n. 3458655067 o 3491961569. Per domenica 10 aprile è previsto un evento di tutta la giornata con visita alle zone umide e risorgive del comune di Beinette, con musica e merenda sinoria finale. LA BATTAGLIA DELLA PARTECIPAZIONE DEMOCRATICA SARA' VINTA ANCHE CONTRO LE LOBBIES DEL POTERE!
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