Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Variable Annuity Pros And Cons

President is God - no titulo Special # 3

«Salve, collega. Sì, sono anch’io un Signore speciale. Beh, senza falsa modestia, sono un cantante di successo, in lingua nostrana e in lingua straniera; sono agente immobiliare, possiedo diversi condominî e ville, me la cavo con le fideiussioni, le finanziarie, le lobbies e i finanziamenti, quando li ricevo da banche di famigghia; ho qualche televisione… no, non quelle che hanno tutti, possiedo proprio le televisioni, cioè gli studî dove si registra and antennas to transmit and everything, I have some newspaper, some magazines (not to be stupid, this time), I'm moving well in the field of publishing, in fact, some insurance, in life, to a certain age, you will understand, not You never know, I took something from supermarkets, these stores, shopping centers ... those are great deals, then I've always liked football, and in the end I thought "because my team does not play as I say? now I buy it "and I reach the top of the world, saw that game, which flow ... well, I'll tell you the truth, everything I did for my figs for my famigghia; agree the famigghia is enlarged, I have only Figg and his wife, but I have so many wives, some brother and few intimate friends of friends, but, you know, you always find a way forward, "said S.

AND D. replied: "I did not list my property for time, but I can say that it also has something else: it has a place reserved in Hell"

"Look, Lord, we could not agree? I have a lot of young girls from Romania, fresh fresh ... "

Vi consiglio caldamente il monologo di Roberto Benigni presente nello spettacolo TuttoBenigni95/96.


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