tra il papa e papi, uomini che comprano le donne e donne che (anche da certa sinistra) bacchettano le prostitute e apostrofano le puttane con toni da inquisizione, sembra di essere tornati indietro di 60 anni...! contro le prostitute di regime si recupera la figura della donna angelo del focolare, della donna di casa, della moglie, della figlia, sister ... nun! just could not get rid of provincialism, conformism and moralism that afflicts us! Catholic bigotry, and so driven to the door, falls to the window of the villa in Arcore ... In short: where is the feminine revolution? remember that a woman (and a man, a * gay / lesbian / trans / queer!) * is free to fuck whoever he wants and how he wants!
Don Durito this week suggest some good books on the subject: leggiamoli, approfondiamoli ... sperimentiamoli! leave aside the prejudices ... sex is to be enjoyed, despite the pope and popes!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Bible Verses For Baby's Room
Merchants and Dinner to celebrate the end of the regimes in Egypt and Tunisia!
-6 - Mnemosyne 31 € (special offer at 28 €)
artist and activist exceptional, Tina Modotti considered Mexico his adopted country. with his photograph bears witness to the misery and strife, civic involvement and anti-fascist. Communist partisans in Spain, in his photographs often use hammers and sickles, but also the female body, the nude as an expression of beauty, passion and freedom.
ancois-René de Chateaubriand
love and old age
used 3 € (instead of 5.50)
a young woman is offered to the elderly writer, but the old writer refuses not only to social prejudices. is that love is different from any paternal relationship or friendship. the old writer is jealous of every man she meets young and handsome, because a relationship can not be separated from sexuality and this has its own method and his times. not to mention the possibility that the old is also rich, very rich ... then, there is more than a doubt about what he wants from a young and beautiful girl!

ed. estemporanee
usato 3 euro (invece di 9 euro)
storie di donne di ogni età, estrazione sociale, aspettative. in comune lo stesso maledetto confronto con l'uomo che innamora e poi sottomette, le stesse domande sul segreto dei sentimenti, la stessa tenace ricerca della felicità. un molteplice meticciato, tra richiami ancestrali e modernità globalizzata. a panama, sull'istmo tra due oceani, ossia dappertutto.
van Guerriero
splendido splendente
12 euro (in promozione 10 euro)
il romanzo per moana pozzi e su moana pozzi, per raccontare l'italia e la politica italiana dagli anni 80 a oggi ma soprattutto la donna, la sessualità e i desideri di un paese moralista destinato a rimanere provinciale.
osate scoprire il punto g
8,50 euro (in promozione 7,50 euro)
ovidie attrice e regista di film hard, a point of reference for the eroticism in France, explains what, where and how it works g. fun and without bias, is a booklet-map of the vagina with illustrated exercises to find the "legendary" g. ..
f/32 the magni Pussy
shake editions
12.91 € (10 € sales)
every man who ela wonders are inside that she is giving voting. males fucking terrified by the possibility of being overtaken by another. Fucking like god in them the same person judging.

Mark America blood sexual
shake editions
12.50 € (10 € sales)
would become a terrorist: he would have met its desires and, surprisingly, began to assert his creative personality wherever he had appeared: the artist would have done at the time accused of being the most criminal of the functions ... but to start this radical program: the first thing to do would be to become: a woman

roup lesbian subjectivity
Cockta the love
14 € (10 € sales)
700 and more ways of being a lesbian: this is the result of the first Inquiry into the lives of lesbian women. affirm and deny themselves is the double movement of lesbians in our country, but apparently so advanced in fact moral and provincial levels.

framework Lemebel
afraid bullfighter
usato 5 euro (invece di 10 euro)
un romanzo romantico e ironico, appassionato e politico. il protagonista è la fata dell'angolo, travestito e svampita, sensibile e innamorata del giovane carlos del fronte patriottico manuel rodriguez, organizzazione militante contro il regime di pinochet. sognatrice coraggiosa e imprevedibile, la fata dell'angolo è amata da tutti, anche dalle vecchie zitelle di fronte che sparlano tutto il giorno di lei.
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