It is Walking and Talking, and then I want to do it too. The so-called Lodo Alfano is just the latest in a long series of incredible inventions for self-determination of power. And, I add, thank goodness Silvietta there (or there was).
No joke: Silvietta is the last step, the ultimate test. I do not think there can be other things as well. If after Mussolini (eh, but there was a dictatorship, he faced the firing squad), Andreotti (eh, it was better when it was worse) and Craxi (eh, at least the job was secure) that the apology had always camped, in 'collective imagination, a fundamental reason for "bear", after the talk Silvietta are zero. Silvietta is the final proof of what exactly has the power. There are no more excuses, and I thank him of heart is proof of the rampant devastation of the whole.
refresh your memory:
1925/26 - Benzino Napaloni
fascist laws combining the legal power to the executive. Here, I do not care absolutist aspects relating to the amendment of electoral law, the prohibition of the right to strike for all non-union fascists, Matteotti murder (true hall of fascist laws) and the roll of journalists designed and crafted to control the voices. All this is outside from the point. The point is that the power had to write: I, executive (ie power to enforce the laws), I would take the judiciary (ie, more power to judge those who respect them or not). In 1945 the Second World War ends. In 1948 Italy is called to vote to choose between a monarchy or a republic. The latter is voted by a margin close to majority: 8 percentage points. The Constitution, based on values \u200b\u200bfully anti-fascists, states that the Republic is an order opposite to what Italy has experienced in previous years.
1978 - Andrea Giuliotti
I will not dwell, just a couple of data: Andreotti is the power (which, as he himself said, worn only those who did not have it), then impossible not to talk about. Suffice it to say that our history through the Whole Republican still important assignments until February 21, 2007 (his abstention as a Senator for life provoked the crisis of the second Prodi government and the subsequent resignation of the Prime Minister) or until 20 April 2008 day he was interim president of the Senate.
Andreotti is the same man who in 1978 signed the bill 194 (the abortion law) just to "avoid jeopardizing an already delicate political situation." This serves to illustrate the irrationality of democracy (a topic which I will deal elsewhere) who voted DC, that would then chose those who represented their values, interests, etc. in Parliament, he wanted the abortion law?
Moreover, during the Moro kidnapping, the firmness of the Divo marries the line by refusing to negotiate with the kidnappers, to maintain the "raison d'etat." To safeguard the raison d'etat ...
1985 - Booty Crass
addition to being the co-signatory with the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Casaroli Composition of the New (or agreements Villa Madama - 1984) for the establishment of 8 per thousand (!), the immunity of ecclesiastical figures (!!), the equalization of private Catholic schools to public ones (! !) and the inability by the police to seize, occupy, expropriate, destroy or otherwise violate the places of worship, even on Italian soil (!!!!), Craxi is the popes of the Popes.
Turin, Rome and Pescara ordering the Fininvest group to suspend the broadcasts in their territories as in violation of Article 195 of the Postal Code. Loot it takes a commitment, raises confidence (!!!!!) and convert the decree into law earlier Berlusconi (November 28, 1984) failed. The road became a highway for Silvietta.
1994 - Silvietta I, Emperor of villains
Silvietta is a piduista. That is a Mason. Unfortunately the list with the names of the members of the subversive Loggia Propaganda 2 was found (March 17, 1981). The Article 18 of the Italian Constitution prohibits "Secret associations and those who serve, even indirectly, for political ends by military organizations." This means, in a nutshell, that what is success for the fourth time Friday, May 9, 2008 at 17:00 precise, that Silvietta that, before the President of the Republic, says in one breath, "I swear to be faithful to the Republic, to faithfully observe the Constitution and the laws and to exercise my duties in the exclusive interest of the nation "is unreal. It can not be successful. Meanwhile, he is there.
Meanwhile ...
Here should follow a list of bills proposed, discussed and approved by Parliament in the last 17 years, in line with the purpose of the post, that is emphasize self-determination of power, whatever power is (dictator Mussolini, Andreotti, a Christian Democrat, Socialist Craxi and Berlusconi villain), but are not Travaglio and I have no desire. I just speak of a law, not Berlusconi, but the sewer which calls itself the center, the mathematical demonstration of how power is self-determination and in that one law that the center had a moral duty to adopt and has not issued: the conflict of interest. A single line.
Article 1: anyone who is in receipt of public grants can not cover institutional roles.
What, three minutes of work? We four, for photocopying? Not even close! Why:
DPR 361 of 30 March 1957, Article 1, paragraph 1 -
'[...] those who are not eligible in their own or as legal representatives of companies or private companies found to be bound by the state for contracts of works and administration, or administrative authorizations or concessions of considerable economic entity, it imports the requirement of specific commitments, compliance with general or specific protection of the public interest to which the grant or the authorization is sottoposta»
I comunisti, sicuramente. Anche perché Silvietto aveva già 21 anni, quindi si sono premuniti.
Insomma la legge c’è già, e cosa succede quando chi deve far rispettare le leggi non le rispetta?
La risposta è KaOs.
Chiudo con una citazioncina strabusata, ma ci sta:
«Chiunque abbia potere è portato ad abusarne; egli arriva sin dove non trova limiti [...]. Perché non si possa abusare del potere occorre che [...] il potere arresti il potere» Montesquieu (1689-1755)
Parafrasando O’Toole nella sua chiosa alla legge di Murphy, dirò che Montesquieu era uno stupido ottimista.
Alla prossima.
Piccola curiosità: chi ha scelto Fratelli d’Italia come inno nazionale? Il sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Giulio Andreotti, il 12 ottobre del 1946.
Grossa curiosity: the first is Andreotti Act of 1949. As secretary to the show, our last decreed what should be considered for a film short, medium or feature, but not limited to: the Andreotti Law lays down the rules for lending to production companies. The film without politically were rewarded with more loans. Last but not least, a film could be denied an export license if "defaming Italy." For the record: we were right in neorealism.
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