Communist Refoundation Party
CUNEO, via Saluzzo 28
While throughout most of northern Italy were celebrating the victory of the Resistance, in Cuneo, 25 April 1945 the partisan battle bloody raging in the streets of the city ', neighborhoods and even manned by German fascists. The liberation of the entire capital would be only occurred on the night of April 29, when the 34th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, commanded by General Liebe, Cuneo finally abandoned the path of retreat still wreaking mass murder of civilians and, most importantly, destroying dynamite two arches of the viaduct on the majestic Stura. While the partisans were attacking the city 'from the South and sides Gesso and Stura slowly forward under the fire of the invaders, in the city' were the young of Sap (aggregate partisan action teams to Division XI Garibaldi) to engage the enemy holed up in the center in the prefecture, the police barracks and other public buildings. Le Sap Cuneo were formed by 63 owners who formed a battalion under the command of Darius Azzalin and divided into three detachments led by Armando Azzalin, Formento Piero and Francesco Lupo. Young people, however, could 'count on the solidarity' of the population. From the outset, the Sap Cuneo had been directed by the Colonel of the Mountain, James Janus that he would be killed April 28 in combat and to whose memory was awarded the bronze medal. He tells Armando Azzalin: " Our bases were in the alley in Saluzzo 28 and iron bars. We were all very young, full of enthusiasm. On 27 April we tried to conquer the prefecture and silent until the arrival of partisan. The transaction is not 'unfortunately failed for the violent enemy reaction. My brother Darius then folded on the auxiliary police barracks where is' to push the police entered the rebellion. Soon after, however, 'and' got a German armored who began shooting at the windows. Partisans and ancillary services are managed, however, 'to escape through the roof. While the former have also begun to fight, the cops are gone " The raids and surprise attacks against the German fascists and partisans to support their continued throughout the day and even on the night of April 28. Continue Armando Azzalin: "In the morning the Germans began an intense mortar fire spreading morte e distruzioni. Verso le 15 una granata esplode sul marciapiede di corso Nizza 20 ferendo mortalmente mio fratello Dario (21 anni), il ten. Mario Papini (24), Ezio Muzio (19), Marcello Spicola e Giuseppe Racca, entrambi diciassettenni. Io fui l'unico illeso”. Le Sap cuneesi hanno pagato un tributo altissimo per la Liberazione di Cuneo: 22 uccisi in combattimento piu' cinque aggregati, sei feriti e due invalidi. Alla memoria di Dario Azzalin e Mario Papini fu concessa la croce di guerra. I funerali dei caduti per la liberazione di Cuneo, partigiani e civili, si svolsero il 30 aprile.
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